
  • Leverage preferred vendor relationships

  • Attention to maintenance, leasing / merchandising, tenant relations and accounts receivable collections

  • Seek out value creation opportunities through additional density and a mix of uses

  • In-house pro-active asset management

  • Exit upon stabilization on stand-alone or portfolio basis

Investor Alignment

  • Material sponsor co-investment

  • Quarterly reporting and transparency through dedicated investor portal

  • Sponsor promote after achievement of mutually-acceptable project level returns

Investment Profile


Retail Neighborhood Shopping Centers;
Medical Office


Value-Add, Opportunistic Acquisitions

Investment Profile

Pursue acquisition strategy in dense and affluent residential neighborhoods proximate to high traffic vehicular transportation corridors that also are pedestrian-friendly and accessible by mass transit. Neighborhoods proximate to universities, health centers and office clusters, forming “15-minute” neighborhoods.

Foundational Objective

Value Creation through Strategic Positioning, Quality Service Delivery, Alignment of Interests and Good Citizenship

Competitive Advantages


30+ year career in D.C. Metro, with residence there, strong relationships in the community, deep knowledge of local submarkets and demonstrated skill set to execute all aspects of the business


  • Analytical Approach

  • Strong pipeline from off-market and listed deals identified through local relationships

  • Flexible structuring, including acquisition of interests in existing ventures